Our World Faces Many
Growing Challenges


A warming planet threatens our way of life. Trees are an efficient, inexpensive way to absorb carbon from the air, all while combatting the effects of increasingly severe weather like extreme heat and flooding.


Everyone deserves the benefits of trees, but not every community has access. Neighborhood trees cool urban heat, strengthen communities by providing gathering spaces, and make cities more resilient to extreme weather.


Deforestation has contributed to hundreds of species becoming endangered or extinct. A backbone of ecosystems, trees nurture and protect biodiversity for the web of animal and plant life.

Help us plant trees where they’ll do the most good.

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We Do Work By
The Millions

It took us 50 years to plant nearly 500 million trees. This time, we’re going to do it again in a few short years. We deliberately chose a tough goal to meet the tough challenges of our time. With our vast network of planting partners and a science-based approach, we’re able to scale our efforts and focus on the areas where trees are needed most.


We’ve strategically placed nearly 500 million trees in over 50 countries. We know exactly which type of tree thrives in every kind of soil to ensure our trees are resilient and provide benefits for several lifetimes.


From tropical forests to winter pines, if there’s a corner of the world that needs our help, we know what to do. And we know the lasting impact of trees planted in just the right places.


Whether they need to pack sunscreen or umbrellas, our network is ready to move in every season. And considering the climate, there has never been a greater time for trees.


We look for where we can do the most good. From disaster recovery to ecosystem resilience, community value to global climate, we aim to solve and have the trees to tackle whatever needs addressing.


    We’ve strategically placed nearly 500 million trees in over 50 countries. We know exactly which type of tree thrives in every kind of soil to ensure our trees are resilient and provide benefits for several lifetimes.


    From tropical forests to winter pines, if there’s a corner of the world that needs our help, we know how to get there. And we know trees in right places benefit everyone.


    Whether they need to pack sunscreen or umbrellas, our network is ready to move in every season. And considering the climate, there has never been a greater time for trees.


    We look for where we are needed. From disaster recovery to ecosystem resilience, community value to global climate, we aim to solve and have the trees to tackle whatever needs addressing.

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Growing a healthy future for all of us, takes all of us.

Trees are not just nice to have, but necessary for life to thrive in forests and communities. Read more

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